The Animal Club of NSA

By Anya Burtak

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The animal club of NSA is just a small group of people, but just because it is a small group does not mean that club is small in importance.  This club is where you can talk about animals all you want.  There are some pretty cool things that relate to animals in that club.  There are also some cool fun facts that people talk about and share with others.  We sent silly messages to make the club very fun.  It is something I would recommend joining especially if you love animals and what to learn about them.  The animal club is just an amazing place for animal lovers.

See, the animal club will help teach people that animals are good.  They are a kind and supportive group.  So, I interviewed a few of the members and they said they loved this club because they can see cute animals and talk about cute animals.  They joined the club because they loved animals.  In the club, there are 32 people.  Also, the club is a great way to find new people that share common interests.  Even though we don’t have anything like a weekly meeting we still talk about animals at any time.  Plus we don’t have to worry about missing a meeting.  Some of the other members think it is a fun place to look at cute animals all day.  

My experience at the club has been amazing.  I love being around people I can relate to.  I find it so cool there are people out there that love animals.  In my opinion, it is amazing to talk about animals and see a lot of cute animal pictures.  I love sharing facts and cool things about animals that everyone can learn about and tell others about.  I find it amazing that a bunch of people came together to form this club.  I think it is so cool that everyone finds cool and creative ways to create little animal drawings.  The animal club is such an amazing idea for animal lovers all over NSA.  Like other people, I love seeing cute animals, but that is really not all I like about it.  There are a lot of reasons why I love the club.  Some of them I mentioned before but there are some I did not talk about, such as the ability to talk about amazing animal facts that interest me.  I hope you enjoyed what I had to say about the NSA animal club.

Anya Burtak is 12 years old and she is in seventh grade. She lives in Sarasota, Florida. She has attended NSA for 3 years. She has two dogs named Sky and Rhoda that she loves to play with. She loves to swim and is on a swim team. In her free time, she is either swimming, hanging out with her friends, or taking theater lessons. Her favorite animal of all time is an elephant. The language that she wants to learn the most is French. Her favorite class is Science. Last but not least, her favorite movie is either Hamilton or Dumbo.