By Michael C.

You may be wondering, Why should I come to SEE this year? Students should come to SEE this year because this is a time that we at NSA become intentional about opening our hearts to God. It is also a time where we are learning together and coming together as a community. It's a great chance for students to remember the bigger picture of NSA. We get wrapped up in our coursework and the small picture of Northstar. Students get to see the whole family of NorthStar. Students are also reminded that they are not alone in their spiritual journey. It is a chance to grow closer to the Lord. The theme of the Spiritual Emphasis Event this year is Altar/ed. Altered means change or in the process of changing, even so much so that the front of a church is sometimes called the altar. One of the days during the week, we will be celebrating our relationship with God through Sabbath rest and why it's important. The speaker that day will be Jorge Chavez. Another day that week will be how to celebrate God when life is hard. The speaker that day will be Ron King. And then another day, we will be learning how to celebrate God through worship. The speaker that day is Zach Diesler. On our final day, we'll have the after party which will be a reflection on that week and what we have learned. It's going be a week of spiritual revival at NorthStar and will be a week that you do not want to miss. I hope to see you there!

Columns: 🎉NSA Events

Michael C. currently lives in North Carolina with three siblings and mom and dad. He has been at NorthStar for three years and has recently started writing for the Navigator. He enjoys running, reading, and geeking out about Lord of the Rings.